Thursday, November 27, 2008

This new adventure

I have joined the world of blogging. It's a familiar place, but strange at the same time. As I have enjoyed reading the blogs of others I wondered what I would say if ever I decided to jump in and join them. And so I have. My adventure begins today. It's Thanksgiving Day 2008. I have a lot to be thankful for, my daughter-in-law for launching this blog for me. And for all my kids, grandkids and my loving husband. Being a wife, a mother and a grandmother is certainly an adventure, if you look at it that way. And I always have, I think. I do like adventures, as long as I feel in control. I really am not much of a risk-taker or a seeker of the adrenalin-rush. And I discovered a few years ago that if I never, ever again go to an amusement park like Six Flags, I will not miss it.

But this blogging thing seems to me will be a really fun adventure. I am excited about the possibilities! A great creative outlet. And I expect I'll learn lots.


Cynthia said...

Welcome to blogging! I am so excited to read what your creative mind comes up with. Thank you for inspiring me in so many ways! Your a great person and I am so blessed to have you in my life.
Love you lots!

Tracie and Ricky said...

hello! welcome to the interesting and fun world of blogging! just like cynthia said, i can't wait to read what you have to say... just one word of advice, don't pressure yourself to write. whenever i pressure myself, i can never think of anything i want to say!! haha. we love you and miss you. it'll be fun to keep in contact through blogging...
